Before your visit
Your specialist will provide you with an admission pack. Inside will be a patient admission form that you need to fill out and return to us (please allow adequate time for postage), or you may be given a link to a website 'Personify' to complete your admission details online.
Depending on what procedure you are having, you may receive a pre-admission phone call from our nurses or be required to attend a pre-admission appointment.
Your surgeon will tell you what time to arrive at Manaaki for your procedure. On the day, you can head directly to Manaaki reception at your allocated time.
At Manaaki we have limited space for friends and family. Please let reception staff know if you would like a support person to stay with you during the admission process.
Pre-admission checklist
Complete patient admission form / or complete Personify admission form.
Colonoscopy patients: Collect your bowel preparation medicine and instructions from your specialist, and follow these instructions carefully.
Follow your specialists instructions about when to stop taking any regular medications, or when to stop eating or drinking.
Obtain a list of all current medications from your pharmacist.
Bring anything you need for your mobility e.g. walking stick, wheelchair.
If you are having sedation or an anaesthetic, arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours after your procedure.
On the day of your procedure; please bathe/shower, do not wear any make up and leave jewelry at home.
Please do not bring valuables.
We cannot take responsibility for security of these items. -
Do not bring your car. If you are receiving anaesthetic, you will not be able to drive yourself home.
What to expect during eye surgery
If you are visiting Manaaki for eye surgery, this short video will explain what you can expect.
After your procedure
After your procedure you will be taken to the recovery area, where your nurse will monitor you while you recover from your anaesthetic. When you feel well enough you will be offered something to eat and drink.
A nurse will discuss with you what to do when you go home, what to do if you need to contact your specialist or general practitioner, pain management and follow up processes.
When you are ready to go home, we will call your support person to let them know that you are ready to be picked up.

Expected stay times
- Cataract surgery - around two hours.
- Endoscopy procedures (gastroscopy and colonoscopy) - around two to three hours.
- Other surgery - please ask our receptionist.
Payment information
You will be sent separate invoices from those involved in your care:
- Mercy Hospital invoice
- Specialist's invoice
- Anaesthetist's invoice (if applicable).
For more information about claiming from your health insurer, Southern Cross affiliated provider procedures, or ACC patients, please read our payment terms.
Children at Manaaki
We will do everything we can to put children (and parents) at ease during your visit with us.
Parents / guardians can accompany their child through the admissions process, where you will meet the team. You can accompany your child into the operating theatre until they are asleep.
When your child's surgery has finished, they will be taken to recovery and monitored closely. When your child is awake, nursing staff will bring you into the recovery area.
It is helpful to bring your child's favourite toy, blanket or book.
Patient feedback
We value all feedback as it gives us the opportunity to improve our service. Please contact us to share your experience.